Thursday, July 25, 2013

New version of Facebook Insights - do you have it?

During our SMM lessons this week, I have been mostly showing you the current version of the "Facebook Insights".  Many of you are probably quite confused by the way the data is presented in this version, as there is little explanation of how you can interpret the information to help you in your Facebook Strategies.
Current version of Facebook Insights

Facebook probably realised that this situation is quite common among Facebook Page Administrators and the good news is that, its developers have come up with a better version of the Insights Page!  Instead of manually having to figure out when are the timings where your Facebook Page has the highest reach or which type of posts invite the highest engagement, the new interface is now built-in with tabs titled  "When Your Fans Are Online" and "Best Post Types"!

New version of Facebook insights show you
at one look when is the best time to post

Not everyone is able to access this new version of the Insights yet however.  You can easily try out the new interface if Facebook shows the following message to you.  If not, you can try clicking this link to see if it is available to you at this point of time.

Have fun playing around with it! :)

Got this message to try out the New Insights

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